Here is the link to a new voice: Annoying Yeshivish which has all sorts of jewy, yeshivish, gemara lingo terms thrown into your directions and is spoken by one of the most irritating yeshivish voices we have ever heard. T to give you directions on the WAZE App. You may have downloaded the voices of Morgan Freeman, Ed Batman and even MR. Keep Your Connection Secure Without a Monthly Bill. Download the WAZE Yeshivish Voice Bangitout Staff October 14, 2020. If he's not your preferred voice, let us know in the comments who you want to hear directing you. Morgan's good, but Arnold Schwarzenegger was my favorite. So act quickly if you're interested in hearing Morgan Freeman navigate your trip, as there's no telling how long he'll remain an option. Waze periodically adds new voices, but will also remove voices after a while. If Morgan Freeman isn't your jam, KFC spokesman Colonel Sanders is still available. (2) Then choose your desired navigation voice. When ready, open the app and hit the icon on the bottom left to bring up the menu, tap the cog icon to open up Settings, then tap on Sound.
If you don't have the Waze app, you can download it for Android or iOS.
#Voices for waze how to
How to Get Morgan Freeman's Voice on Waze
#Voices for waze update
Finally, Waze users can update their profiles Mood to Commander Agryna or Jega Moods. In keeping with the tie-in, GPS Freeman addresses the driver as the President. For a limited time, Waze users can activate a new Halo theme in the app, which will allow them to use the voice of Commander Agryna or Jega Moods to navigate, as well as change their cars’ icons on the live map to Razorback or Brute Chopper.
#Voices for waze drivers
Update: Morgan Freeman is no longer an option in Waze, but you can use the same directions below to choose another celebrity voice the list is always changing, so you never know who might pop up. The new Morgan Freeman voice for Waze serves two purposes: to entertain drivers and to put in a plug for Freeman’s upcoming London Has Fallen film in which he plays the Vice President. I had a request for the NPH voice files yesterday and discovered that Waze hadn't cleared out some of the other voice packs I'd downloaded yet, so. Download Voices for Waze GPS for Android to a set of voices for the Waze navigation system with a little bit more personality than your usual default voices. And now he can narrate your very own hellish trip to Indiana, or wherever it is you're going. You've heard him narrate the hellish journey of a waddle of emperor penguins fighting for the continuation of their species. He's the man with the voice fit to play God-Morgan Freeman. It'll be hard for Waze to top its latest addition to the roster, though. Navigation app Waze occasionally gives you the option to have a celebrity voice provide directions for your trip, like this famous European with a funny voice, or this decidedly less-famous European with a funny voice.